So, you accepted the invitation to be SOFT & J.U.I.C.Y. yes?
CONGRATULATIONS, you are the one your bloodline has been waiting for!
Welcome to your preview of Shift Everything to get started:
An introduction into the REWARDS of applying some private coaching tools and LOTS of J.U.I.C.Y. ahas from women who said YES to themselves.
My Love Offering to our Rebirth Tribe, extended into a collective Love Offering effort frrom members of our tribe to one another by being witnessed in our sacred space.
Here, the stories of The ReBirth Tribe are honored through their Aha Moments, Divine Turn Arounds and liberation into Good Girls Gone Goddess.
You will see yourself in your sisters, who embarked on their Shero Journey to disover their gifts and to share their shifts while inviting new ones to continue the journey to REBIRTH their womanhood on their own terms, redefine the challenges, embrace the lessons and get into vibrational alignment with the NEXT BIG SHIFT desired.
Even at this level. . . . .Membership has it's privaledges and special invitations let your SACRED WATERS reveal to you a blueprint for your J.U.I.C.Y. Purpose, Pleasure, Passion & Profit on your terms. You'll receive a special invitation to learn more LIVE!
The FULL E-Book & 21 Day Process Workbook to being SHIFTING your Love, Sex or Money Mindset Blind Spots into Breakthroughs is available as a Self-Study in a Sacred Space: The R.I.M. Sanctuary to prepare you and prime your pump for the floodgate of abundance available to you!
You will get a PDF (23MB) file. CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!