Starting from:


The 12 Steps to Religious Recovery

The 12 Steps to Religious Recovery - Overcoming Addiction to Pain & Punishment


A STUDY GUIDE iself study support process for those who have been restricted by "religion", "doctrine" or strict environment or practices that as influenced a woman's Love, Sex or Money and how she receives or expresses it.


If you were Religious or Dogmatic about one thing, it's easy to unconsciously transfer it to another area of your life, until you take the steps necessary to interrupt the pattern.


For Consideration. . . . 


Religion was my first place to manage my coping mechanism to answer unanswered questions very early in my life. Some people choose drug, acting out, poor sexual hygiene and avoidance of pain or “getting in trouble”, I chose God. After all it was the most accessible and the safest route away from the insanity of the adults in my life.


Another hidden coping mechanism is “being good” and overly compliant with the expectations and projections from the family or culture of origin. Therefore, the true trauma, desire to explore or ability to compete in a competitive world is often left untreated.  So many people hover in a place between never being the rebel or troublemaker and disconnected from the confidence of being brilliant. Hovering shows up in many places in our lives. As you move through the process, the intention is for you to identify those places where you hover, how you learned to cope and/or how subtle patterns inform major choices you’ve made or desire to make for your life. 

We say the church/mosque/temple is within us.


However, do we resist attending to our own church because it is not a "sanctuary" and is more of an asylum? Inside of you is self-directed sermon, opportunity to worship & activation that we call prayer.  

  • First a DETOX may be necessary before you can hear your own Divine Guidance.
  • Then and only then, can one see the addiction a/k/a the religious distractions and indoctrination. Scary for some.

Liberation for others. Freedom begins within!